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Black Mass and Its Implications in the Circular Economy

Following the success of the 2021 International Automobile Recycling Congress where Dr Laurance Donnelly, Head of Technical Department at Alfred H Knight, presented his paper on ‘The Phase Characterisation of Black Mass and Its Implications in the Circular Economy‘, we have now released the audio and slides of Laurance’s presentation which you can find below.

Dr Donnelly provided an insightful and thought-provoking presentation in which he looks at the significance of the material within the Circular Economy, placing the results into the context of the industry.

He discussed the difficulties that come with sampling, preparing and recovering black mass and shares the results of recent characterisation. This is expected to be of value for future sample preparation and processing of this material, ahead of assaying.

For further information or to discuss our available services with one of our Circular Economy experts, click here