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Commodity: Reciclaje de residuos

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Equipo de desarrollo de negocios – Alfred H Knight Energy Services amplía su alcance

Due to increased demand, Alfred H Knight Energy Services have expanded their Business Development team to further support Waste Management organisations across the UK.

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Economía circular: Identificación del valor de los residuos y el reciclaje

Society as a whole is adopting more sustainable work practices and looking to the Circular Economy as a practical solution, witnessing benefits as a result.

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KES se une al Foro de reciclaje del noreste

Alfred H Knight Energy Services joins the North East Recycle Forum, a forum for a variety of waste professionals across the public, private and community sectors.

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Día Mundial de la Alimentación: convertir los residuos de alimentos en energía

It's World Food Day 2021! The UK produces the highest amount of food waste in Europe, but with Anaerobic Digestion technology, food waste can be turned into renewable energy.

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