Last week Alfred H Knight hosted Professor Kim Harry Esbensen, an internationally recognised expert in sampling with over 30 years of experience.

(Left to Right): Simon Thornton, Ivan Climent, Laurance Donnelly, Kim Esbensen, Dan Pop, Robert Dunn and Andrew Knight.
Over the course of three days, Professor Kim Esbensen provided training to colleagues in our UK head office across our operational, technical, business development and client services departments. The training provided was to help enhance our people’s personal and professional development for those required to have an understanding of sampling and sample preparation.
“It is very important, as AHK continues to grow, develop and diversify, to remember that we are all part of a team trying to establish, maintain, and continually develop best-possible practices throughout every contributing department. This is why the training sessions with Professor Kim Esbensen have been invaluable.”
Alan Toms, Senior Overseas Technical Chemist
The sessions covered a variety of topics, such as the Theory of Sampling, Basic Principles, to real-life case studies within the laboratory.
“The Theory of Sampling’ is fundamental to AHK’s global inspection services in the minerals, mining and metals industries. Particularly, in terms of sample heterogeneity, sampling scale, minimising sampling bias, heterogeneity and how to recognise, manage and mitigate sampling errors. Ensuring that samples are unbiased and aligned with the Theory of Sampling, increases the efficiency and profitability to our clients ahead of analysis and assaying.”
Dr Laurance Donnelly, Head of Technical Department, Chief Geologist.
If you or your organisation produces or trades metals and minerals and would like to see how one of Alfred H Knight’s experts can support you with your commodities, get in touch via our contact page today. Alternatively, take a look at our new specialist Sample Hub Services, set up to support organisations with the recycling of materials such as e-scrap and incinerator bottom ash (IBA).

Top (Left to Right): Liam Kirby, Mark Willis, Laurance Donnelly, Kim Esbensen, Dan Pop, Alan Toms, Harry Bush, Robert Dunn. Bottom (Left to Right): Ivan Climent, Simon Thornton, Aldwin Vogel and Andrew Knight